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DirectX Demo-02 ("Scary Dwarves")
(March 2008 - June 2008)


After working with C# and XNA, I had a good understanding of general techniques that can be applied to any language and any graphical API. Using this knowledge, I came back to DirectX and found it much, much easier to understand. Prior to this example DirectX was quite confusing to me, but after I knew much more about what DirectX was doing. I used online references to begin and set up a window, but after that I rarely referenced while programming.


  • Mesh Importing
    • Model Manager (Manages model objects)
    • Scene Manager (Manages instances of each model object)
  • Shader support (Point light shader shown)
    • Color Change Light
    • Light Falloff and Brightness Customizable
    • Light Position Customizable
  • Allowable Keyboad input


Website designed by Matthew Christian. © Copyright 2004-2012 Matthew Christian