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XNA Development Tutorials


"As a full-time programmer and hobbyist game programmer, I want to congratulate and thank you for your excellent XNA tutorials. As you stated, it's easy simply to download, build, and run tutorials ... it's another thing to truly understand the underlying code and concepts. Your tutorials provide that kind of understanding."

- Derek Felton

"I got farther and understood more in 3 hours using your tutorials than I did spending 3 weeks trying to learn Orge3d. ...I think it's a natural progression to start wanting to do some games in 3D, but your tutorials were so straight-forward that I see it is just as easy to do 2D games with. In essence XNA gives you the best of both worlds."

- Eric McConnell

"Great tutorials which are easy to follow and leave enough room for practice."

- Dennis Mijer


Files / Links

XNA Development Tutorial 1 (PDF)

Downloading and installing Microsoft Visual C# Express Edition, XNA Game Studio Express, and connecting Visual Studio with your Xbox 360 console.

XNA Development Tutorial 2 (PDF)

Starting a new game project, understanding the project, and deploying to the Xbox 360 console.

XNA Development Tutorial 3 (PDF)

Create and implement the GameModel class, a class used to import a model, set it's position, and render the model.

XNA Development Tutorial 4 (PDF)

Learn to move in a 3D world using a brand new, easy-to-implement, GameCamera class.

XNA Development Tutorial 5 (PDF)

The GameSprite class will provide your project with a much needed 2D HUD.

XNA Development Tutorial 6 (PDF)

The GameState class will section some code and build a simple pause menu.

XNA Development Tutorial 7 (PDF)

The GameAudio class will make your demo sound awesome!